Wim Hof gave me a dream

I decided to do a little Wim Hofing on my 15 minute break from work, I have one work at home day each week on Friday, so I was not doing this in my cubicle. I did the breathing and held my breath as recommended by Mr. Hof, and the first time I got the nice fresh feeling that often comes from this. The second time I reached the point of holding my breath I forgot that I was holding my breath. This happened because I became side tracked by an image in my view. A swirl of stars spun counter clockwise and within seconds I saw a flowering image of many colors in the center, it was like petals growing and unfolding until it changed into something else. It became the upper portion of a body, still colorful and it was moving, sort of like it was trying to reach me. It seemed to be stuck and could not get more than it's shoulders out of the flowering area before it turned back into a flower. The human form came back again, and it seemed very interested in getting to me, it had a rather comforting presence. I was just so excited to see the stars and colors and everything as it changed back to a flower again. Then I was back and my nose decided it was time to breathe in, which surprised me because I was not aware that I was still holding my breath. I had a short dream about some guy talking to me before my alarm went of. Then I jumped up, ran to my computer and started working again, giddy as all get out. The Wim Hof breathing technique has brought me some nice feelings and some clouds and stars, but this was a step further than it has ever taken me before. I hope my mind is becoming more open. Enjoy life my people, enjoy love, enjoy you. 
Love, PEACE 


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