Simple self worth

Time is short, we are moving and existing in the wonderland of our minds, each of which gives access to experience in this life and it's dreams. This brain in time is not the source of your power, it is not the source of your life, but it is the one thing that connects you to this world. Without the structure of the clumped atoms that are inside your head there is no earth, no solar system, galaxy or universe. There is no way for your conscious energy to play out being this person trying to find the truth of existence. If you don't think that your human is trying to reach the truth, then you had better guess again. You are closest to knowing that this is what you are here for when you feel unaccomplished, like you are not striving towards your true goal, or that you are wasting time circling the same life pattern over and over again. The downward spiral which so often brings us to our lowest point in life can be used as a tool to thrust oneself into the business of knowing what it is we are doing here and how to make it work for us as individuals. When you are at your lowest point and you find no meaning to existing, then you should let go, give into the experience and just stop putting forth any effort. Do not eat, do not drink; if you feel like eating or drinking, then do what Siddhartha Gautama did and eat one grain of rice a day. Push yourself to the edge of human living to see what kind of living desire may actually be inside you. Remembering that in doing nothing you cannot raise a hand against yourself, because that would be doing something, but you can stop doing nearly everything. Sell your possessions, either give the money away or put it in the bank if you think you need some sort of insurance, the bankers will make sure it goes to the right people if you don't make it.
If you die of starvation, then there really was no purpose and you can die knowing the truth has set you free. But if at any point you decide to perform the simple act of eating or drinking more than a grain of rice per day, then you can stop the downward spiral. Because you have found something inside; either something that just wants food, or something that wants to be the human you are. If you just want food, then forget the rest of life, get a job that makes you enough money to eat and eat food with a smile and expect nothing else. If you realize that you actually have a desire to just live, then go back and live. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing, stop listening to the voices in your head, fix anything that is interfering with your living. If you need medicine, then do not just trust the person in the white coat, study your condition, all possible cures, results from scientific studies and take a part in bettering your existence. Doctors know a lot, specialists in one specific illness are hard to find, but there are intelligent people who have been forced to study a condition, wrote down everything they learned and shared it in a book or website. Research will build your knowledge, strengthen your self worth and may actually help you get to the root of whatever your condition is.
Do whatever you are doing as best as you can, a quality life starts with your actions. If other people do the same job as you, pay no attention to their activities, how they do the job or any words they may say concerning you; because you are here to exist and playing with judgment interferes with the simplicity of just existing. Be quality, eat and drink quality; if you spend more money on products with better nutrients and end up having to eat less than you did in the past, you can smile because you are no longer eating one grain of rice a day and your foods have higher nutritional value so you will get more out of each morsel. A life worth living will be enhanced by you living with quality in mind, it should be going into and out of you. 
If you realize that you actually want to exist and you focus on just existing in a state of quality, then you will be able to be happy wherever you are and whatever is going on around you. When we pay attention to desires, or stuff like the concerns or activities of other people, then we lose the thing that makes this new found want for life wonderful, Simplicity. Simple foods, focus on you, the activities of your own body in and out and simply enjoying the easy things like breathing, these will allow you to wake up with a smile every day. As time passes you will forget to even wonder about why you ever focused on anything else. You will grow to see your mind as a wonderland taking in a life and dreams for your experiential enjoyment. Time is short, learn, grow and experience as much of yourself in as many ways as you can. Live to die if you choose to do so and you find no reason to eat more than the one grain of rice, or really start living from the self out if you choose to live. Be you, focus only on you, learn to love you without judgement and that love will spread out to everyone and everything; this is what I have seen over and over again. 



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