
To find that spot in your mind, that place where you can actively step into every other world that is available through the multi-layered states of existence created by the cross wiring of conscious energy floating within the billions on billions of atomic structure brains. We are mingled consciousness playing out realities through the layers of experience being created by us, for us, through us, beyond us, ever in us, from the absence of us. Aliens, dream states that seem so far beyond our currently known physical abilities, wake up, wake up my sweet little mind, come on with me, I will show you, there are so many places you can go. The voices sing of love, the voices sing of destruction, the voices are coming in all waves from the strings as ohm fills our consciousness as the word moves in and through us, as the sound soothes and excites us. "Our language will be understood by others, it ain't far off now I suspect." Thank you doctor Timmy. How many times have you felt like you just received a reminder and it was just a thought, how many times do the voices have to reach you before you start to remember what they are saying? Jason says 799 times, or something like that. What do you have to share, what gifts do you bring, drop your fear, paranoia will only slow the rhythm, I give you love, I give you love, I want your love. So many layers, so many lives, so much to share with each other, and the voices are singing. Those voices, they are inside and outside who you are, they are within you as the whole of everything, yet they are outside you as this brain experiencing this body, but they are for you to control by nothing other than focus. If demons haunt you, eat them and listen to gentler sounds until their chorus becomes a distant tin in the atmosphere of consciousness. I write of voices, I write of dreams, I am writing of you. Find the thoughts within your awareness, find the depths of consciousness that allows you to accept yourself as both the ruler of all existence and as this one simple little brained creature. You hold it all, and the bigger you let it get, the more control you will find; the more you embrace your soul, the more energy you will find. Join me, come down into it all, embrace every sound with love, embrace every experience with love for experiences, and try to be as balanced in what you share with others as you can be. Share love, and know that love has billions of forms.



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