Something about those two

You are so much more than just this body, you are capable of accessing all the information in the universe. The human brain has the potential to change the world, we are going to rise above the limitations of this world and release ourselves from the shackles of physical need. Our conscious state is bridging gaps between what we have assumed that the mind can do and the true potential of what the mind is capable of.
As I look out into the night, I see with three eyes, two physical and one made of imagination. There are so many layers to existence, close your eyes and let your connection between the brain and body slip away. As sleep releases the body-brain link some areas of the brain remain active and these parts of the brain are able to access eyes that are seeing and a body that lives in a different group of wavelengths which alter the experiences of how reality is playing out there. We can find ourselves in one of many different places, perceiving the separate realities as dream states while this body and eyes remain disconnected from the brain as it is in this one layer of reality. Is it ego that makes me think that this body is required for the other bodies to live in the multiple dimensions, is this reality a required part of the underlying design? 
I have had two dreams that make me consider that no one body is responsible for the existence of the others, we are multiple bodies that can experience many realities through one another. In both dreams I found myself waking up from the dream of me existing here. Then at the end I went back to sleep and I was here again. 
In the first dream I opened my eyes, I was lying down so I sat up. I saw that I was a human form glowing white, shining from within. I looked left and right, I saw many glowing bodies lying on their backs on a flat dark surface, next to a stream that was flowing right behind me. The stream bed seemed to have been carved out with smooth edges and a 90 degree angle between the flat surface and where the stream started. This place seemed to be made with the intention of us lying down and putting our heads in the water, which is what all the other bodies of light were doing, lying down with their heads dipped into the water, and that is where I just sat up from. I looked forward and saw another glowing figure come up to me, kneel down and rest its hand on my shoulder. It told me that I was not done and I had to go back, then it helped me lie down and put my head in the water. As I felt the flow of water move around my head my body relaxed and I woke up here in this body. 
At the start of the second dream, I sat up and looked around. I saw that I was at a carnival of sorts. There were tents all around me, loosely spread over a field, and I was sitting up on what looked like a mix between a dentist chair and a massage chair. As I sat there I realized that my friends were standing there and they were watching over me while I was on this ride. A man walked over and began to help me lie down, he was telling me that I was not done yet. I remembered that I had taken something and it was considered a ride at this fair to lie down and dream. I relaxed into the chair, closed my eyes and woke up here in this dream. 
This brain in your head is one of many that are linked across multiple levels of realities that exist within varied wavelength arrays. Each separated array of wavelengths allows for different types of play within atomic structure. The separate realities are like frequencies on a radio, the frequencies allow for the same sounds to enter your ears, but the station on each frequency plays different music from the others. With our brain we have access to the information and experiences of every other memory bank that is taking information from the eyes and body living out a life within a separated array. 
The design of our brain allows the many parts to work together so it can perceive this reality as it is playing out through the order of atomic structure. This order is caused by the wavelength field of light, sound, etc. making this one time and space. When the eyes and other parts of the nervous system are turned off, then the consciousness that links together the many bodies spread throughout the various layers, can slip between the frequencies. This is where dream comes in, in some of the realities we dream of we are more capable of controlling our environment and in others we are not. Each layer which is a different frequency has brought forth bodies that have varied capabilities based on the development of space and time there. You and I exist in many of them simultaneously, moving along various paths and learning about what it is to exist within each body. 
With each of us living out multiple lives within many bodies, and considering that each body is existing regardless of any of the other bodies being alive; we may start to wonder over the need or value of keeping all of them alive. What is the difference if this one or that one dies? It is all the difference in that world to that portion of your consciousness which has worked to take in and record all the experiences it has been through in whatever body you find yourself in. Each body holds value in it experiences which are different and separate from all the other bodies you are capable of being aware of. Take care of each of them and give them love from within, that will help them to build a world of love around, in whichever world they are in. 
In each world you may be able to assist that brain to see more than it ever imagined before your portion of consciousness visited it. There should be an extra eye for that brain to access, like the three eyes available for you to use here on this earth, the two you are using to read this and one made of imagination. Use all three and make your experience as much of an adventure as possible. Don't push so hard that you end up being the person that died trying because you didn't consider safety in your adventure, because any adventure may end up killing you even when you have taken all the precautions. Enjoy everything and love each body you find yourself in. See and learn, open your third eye, whether you call it imagination or the pineal gland, it is there waiting for you to use it. 



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