Keep it all

The rocket ship I have been flying in since I was a kid is made of brain matter, sometimes it is a ship taking me to distant planets, then other times it is a brain growing in understanding its own workings and the extensions of itself into this body who's fingers I see typing in front of me. Sometimes the workings of this brain leaves me feeling like I am no longer part of it and that I could just let it go. The sense of separation from self can leave a person wondering about the validity of carrying on in this form, but from experience, I have found that this form is the most intricately wired piece of machinery you can find. The cost of using it is a lifetime of experiences, which is also the reward in the end. There is an end, this body you are using to read these words with is really hard to make eternal, so there is a large percentage of a chance that your conscious self will leave it behind at some point. If you consider rushing it to its end, then you are giving up chasing the edge of reality, and trying to understand yourself, existence, non-existence and where it all comes from. 
You came here to be who you are, you chose this body, you chose your reactions and actions up to this point and you can change how you do things from now until the body stops allowing you to use it, or you can continue on in the same mindset. Is your mindset one you want to have, or is your mindset one that you think should change? If it should change, how deep into your own understanding are you willing to dig? How much of your own shit are you willing to re experience with new eyes and new understanding so that you can change your perception; making a beautiful home of those past experiences, that did not destroy you? 
Your brain right now, it is developing understanding and you are able to look over your life as someone smarter, wiser, more capable of forgiveness than ever before. You are the power and you are the reason for your healing, your current health and you can guide your future experiences. I know there is a world outside the body, and when dealing with that world or those people, you are the one in control of your reactions. Look inside with your imagination and see your heart, see light full of love pouring into it from all sides, or as a waterfall forever filling it. You have reached a point where you can be open to the love of eternity, it is for you, it is from your source of existence, it is what you are made of, and it is okay. 
Know that shit is still going to fall, know that experiences will come left and right, but it is your response and your ability to know you are beyond it that will make you strong. You have so much more to learn, the more you learn the more tools you have for dealing with what reality and your mind bring you. The more you take it all as experiences rather than the end all be all of each moment, the more that you can accept everything with an open heart. Know the joy of feeling so deeply that you want to die, then see that feeling as something to cherish because not knowing something so deeply would have left your soul wanting for more. As you are deep in an emotion, embrace it, then realize that you are beyond it; as hard as it is to step outside of mental pain, physical pain or anything up to love, it is something you can do with work and practice. Allow yourself rest, allow yourself peace, allow yourself to have the will to fight and take on the challenges, they will eventually be less challenging. This begins with nightly sleep, get some sleep, then start to work on looking at your experiences as if they are something going on for you rather than to you. 
Your brain is the best rocket ship you have ever owned, I cannot wait till a software update makes them all more open and understanding in a moments time. Till that happens it is up to you, step back as often as possible, experience what is moving in and around your body, live for the moments and the growth in knowledge and understanding each moment can bring. When you and this body separate, then accept yourself as consciousness, in the form of energy, astral body, soul or whatever you want to call it, but step up and take everything with you, then see how much of a joy it was to have paid the cost to get that lifetime of experiences, this lifetime.

Love, PEACE 


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