Down then out

Dealing with depression and feelings of low self worth slows time and creates a vacuum of negativity around you. The imbalance of chemicals in the brain can make it seem like there is nothing worth even moving for. We are not born to be enslaved by our feelings or even the chemicals flowing in and around our neurons. We are made to be in control of our minds, this tool you are using to read these words has been the seat of your consciousness for your entire life. As a child were you filled with sadness, did sadness and grief start to invade your thoughts at a certain point? Think through your history and search out when and where the change took place, consider what was going on in that time in your life. Was there a trigger?  Finding the root may take a while, but it will point you to the first thing to change. You must learn to control your mind and what it thinks, we assume too often that it is running its own course willy nilly and we are just supposed to deal with what it brings us. When you begin to control your own thoughts and learn to disregard those memories and ideas you choose to ignore, then you can begin to change your perception of your history. Were you a victim; look back and imagine what would have happened if you had the power at that time to stop what made you a victim and picture that happening, create the memory anew. Looking at these things from a different vantage point by simply seeing the bad moments as something outside who you really are can add a new perspective and pull you back enough to let it go. Change your thoughts around each negative moment in your history, how it affected you, how you carried the memory up to now and how you will not let it be the same as you move forward into the future. 
Remember your childhood mind, the one right before your first worry, some of us have to go way back to find this point, but keep going till you find it. Remember just being, no thoughts beyond what you were doing and then what to do next, no time constraints. How did that change and who made that change? Imagine it never changing, you are still using the same brain that was able to live each next step based on what stood in front of you at that moment. Live each moment, plan and think forward as needed, but be aware of what beauty lies within you that can be poured into what is around you simply by perceiving each part of your surroundings as a portion of your own beauty. You can change your reality through your choice to see as much of it as possible as awesome and designed just for you by choosing to see it that way.
We must learn to accept how wonderful it is to be able to use the experiences our bodies have received and processed in our brains for our own growth and development. We stop victimizing ourselves by changing how we see ourselves, and that starts by looking from within at our own history of power over each moment, which is growing even stronger now that you are rewriting how you perceive it. As these changes come we must also stop comparing ourselves to the person next to us. If we compare ourselves to others, then we can lose sight of our own accomplishments and the value of the trials we have been through. We are each tested by living, some tests are easily recognized while others are so deep within you that it feels like only you can figure out what it is and when you have overcome it. Feeling this way can make us feel completely alone and worthless. But despite the sense of being alone that we feel, life has proven again and again that it has cyclical patterns within one mind and stretched across centuries. There are others that have been where I stand, and where you are standing right now. Open up and allow their knowledge and insight from the other side of the wall we are having trouble climbing over, to reveal their path which will allow you to more easily find your own. 
No life is trivial, no trial is below any other, we are walking together and when we share with one another, then life begins to reveal just how connected we all are. Read, listen, learn and share with those you can trust; there are others out there that know the place and understand where you are.



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