Rule in love

The speed at which you can receive thought is where evolution is taking us, driven to be at the cusp of creative consciousness we push towards brain empowerment. We are moving towards empowerment on all levels of existence, and this power we have can be shared by everyone. It is not food based, it is not space or time based, it is consciousness based. Expand the minds of the people around you, accept their concepts and ideas and allow them to live their dreams as fully as possible. Our dreams and hopes can overlap in their differences, one persons desires need not make them your enemy when their world image differs from your own. Share atomic structure on more than one level of awareness and allow the rules of this world to help you play out your lives in peaceful harmony of an ever expanding human field of activity. We are to live in love while we act out our desires and we are to not impose upon others any control that hinders their wants and needs to the extent that they also not interfere with your freedoms in in existing with as little pain and suffering as everyone else. As long as love for experience, self, all others, and everything in existence is the base of your being and the being of everyone around you, then there is no issue as we play out human existence. If one attempts to override the rule of love that is expanding into all and everything, then we must show them the way with love, concern and understanding of where they come from. Knowing the many layers of existence, from all possible evils up to all wonders of good allows each of us to have insight into anyone's suffering and help them to overcome that which may make them want to hold power over other forms in this or any space imbued with consciousness.  Our love, from every angle will change the flow of the waves in their energy and they will see that there is no need to hold power other than the power within their own consciousness to exist and share in the many fields of reality stretched through the wavelengths of existence in atomic structure. 



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