
Showing posts from May, 2019

You and the other you, over there

We each have the power to activate thoughts, pull up memories and consciously move into dreams. As we push our minds in their abilities to deal with the strange and unusual, we are transforming the way we perceive the experiences of this reality and all possible dimensions of existence. Their are already more of you than you have imagined. Has anyone ever said that they saw you in a dream, have two people ever had two completely different dreams of you in one night? Consider that your conscious energy, your soul is stretched out in hundreds or thousands of directions, and you are connected to every version of you and living in every alternate reality that we understand as dreams. If you can know yourself as you, your dream selves, the versions of you that anyone else ever knows you as in their dreams, then you can begin to understand a slightly greater portion of what it may be like to hold the consciousness of that which is all and everything. Keep digging, go slow and don't lose

Dream hard

Stepping over the edge as consciousness guides your mind into the multiple layers of reality, we slowly move our energy from wavelength A to B and then we look into C; realities overlapping with small shifts in perception separating all of them. Speeding at what feels like a billion miles per hour as the brainwaves switch from visual cortex A to B and then C, as the brain falls asleep and enters dream states while the portion of the visual cortex responsible for receiving the information coming from the eyes drops in activity. We find that the area of the brain that is responsible for interpreting what has come in is active and that we are able to see various realities with the mind that turns off one levels set of brain area functions to turn on another levels brain functions in those regions in another wavelength of existence. So, Jason part A falls asleep to find Jason part B when the frontal lobe, etc kicks in and another wavelengths eye signal receiver in the visual cortex turns

Rule in love

The speed at which you can receive thought is where evolution is taking us, driven to be at the cusp of creative consciousness we push towards brain empowerment. We are moving towards empowerment on all levels of existence, and this power we have can be shared by everyone. It is not food based, it is not space or time based, it is consciousness based. Expand the minds of the people around you, accept their concepts and ideas and allow them to live their dreams as fully as possible. Our dreams and hopes can overlap in their differences, one persons desires need not make them your enemy when their world image differs from your own. Share atomic structure on more than one level of awareness and allow the rules of this world to help you play out your lives in peaceful harmony of an ever expanding human field of activity. We are to live in love while we act out our desires and we are to not impose upon others any control that hinders their wants and needs to the extent that they also not i


You are living in one amazingly well designed and built reality within the flowing energy of atomic structure, we like to call it the here and now. There are billions of layers of other structures created in and around it, some by master craftsman and some by fools. How much energy do we each have within us, how much power is waiting for us to tap into? You have dreams where you can practice multiple scenarios and then attempt to bring those ideas, images and creations back into this here and now, which is a well organized layer of energy that wraps space and time into the assumption of slow growth in existence. You are power and as that you are only hindered by your fear. If you have what you need to live, then work on your mind, keep your body fit and play with the energy that creates and moves through this field of experiences. We here on this earth know that manipulation and greed can push some people down through starvation, war and hatred built up in other people's minds. We

Peter heard it

I hear the voice, a woman trying to get me to understand what she is saying, but my mind is too slow to keep up with her. This has been going on for years, and yesterday my dreaming mind heard her clearly, then I forgot what she said. Despite the setback I feel that I have made a lot of progress by knowing our speeds of thought are becoming more synchronized and I may receive another chance soon to hear and then document the words she shares. I feel that the woman has something extremely useful for me to hear, and I think that my consciousness is allowing understanding to enter this brain in baby steps. I have lost my patience in the past, and I was given subtle reminders of why I need to remain calm, a kick in the brain here and a smack upside my ego there, and I relax a little. When we clearly hear voices in our dreams it can jolt us awake, calm our minds or scare us to death; sometimes the voices in our heads even say things that make us laugh.  Whatever the inner voices say, we

Push and flight

Lifting off into the place where consciousness is an existence beyond the human brain and still in touch with the little speck in space and time, is so difficult for my brain to achieve. I wonder over insanity and peoples inability to hold this world and the billions of other dimensional connections in the waves of their brains atomic movements. We push and find layers of fear and confusion while grappling with dream monsters and basic earth living requirements at the same time. But there is another step to take and we will end up where we can see beyond, into the level of soul; then one step further where there is no trade off of energy and no balance and no existence other than a certainty of just accepting your own presence in and out of it all only because you wanted it to be that way. Keep dreaming, keep searching and find the joy of your truth in being as one. Love, PEACE