Under, over, in

Under the veil of your brain in this reality you can find space. Look outside and see space with stars, galaxies and dark matter. Look inside and see space with neutrons, protons, electrons and the matter between them. But you will also find dream worlds, with billions of people dreaming and imagining and hoping for more, there you will find many layers of inner and outer space.  The worlds you find in dream are as varied and hectic as there are creatures that can think in the multiverse, which is this world and every dream world. The avenues of awareness in your brain are vast and comprehension is ever expanding through the layers of existence and what may be under the veil.
The underlying structure of existence can come across as beauty flowing with light in a comforting presence of energy; but it can also come to you as darkness moving through wires, liquids and chaos. What is truth, where does it all begin and end? We are the truth the way and the light, we are also the depths of darkness and we choose daily to live as much of either as we are willing to handle, and balance remains in the whole. The brain takes work, calm patience and understanding. In our search we cannot just force it to jump over the edge without preparation and expect it to not get a little bruised or snapped at the bottom.  Keep pushing, but be gentle and understanding; taking care for yourself will help you to care for others. You choose how to treat yourself and that energy you create reflects out to the people, big and small, around you. 
We are expanding our awareness as a whole, the oversoul or collective unconscious brings us all forward and I am sure no single conscious creature will be abandoned. Despite where your brain may seem today, there is a point in the many layers of existence where your consciousness will have a switch flipped and you will move forward into greater understanding. Move at ease up to that point, seek knowledge and wisdom. Your brain is the tool you selected to use to take this adventure with, use it at its greatest capacity. 



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