This or that way

There are so many avenues to walk down when one is seeking understanding within the human mind. Your consciousness is pulling at your brain, calling for it to become aware of all that the many levels of creation have available to you. Not everyone is open to the learning, but when a person does decide to actively step in a little deeper they will find those many avenues available. Some people will swear by one path and deny the validity of another, and some will walk one path but still see that the people walking other paths are heading in the same direction. I am one that finds himself walking down multiple paths, hopping between them and skipping along the way. The path you are one will not be the determining factor of where you end up, where you end up is the determining factor of how far you made it down the path you chose to take. I recommend being open and accepting of the idea that each path is a gift to those who are walking it. One path is no better than the other for reaching the goal of understanding, unless the path you are on hinders the growth of another in any way. If your path interferes with another persons development, then your should really be reconsidered. You have to choose for yourself, and you have to see that your actions either hinder, help or do nothing for those around you. You must decide how much of an influence you want to be and if your influence is worthy of the receiver, everyone deserves help.  



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