
Showing posts from April, 2019

Under, over, in

Under the veil of your brain in this reality you can find space. Look outside and see space with stars, galaxies and dark matter. Look inside and see space with neutrons, protons, electrons and the matter between them. But you will also find dream worlds, with billions of people dreaming and imagining and hoping for more, there you will find many layers of inner and outer space.  The worlds you find in dream are as varied and hectic as there are creatures that can think in the multiverse, which is this world and every dream world. The avenues of awareness in your brain are vast and comprehension is ever expanding through the layers of existence and what may be under the veil. The underlying structure of existence can come across as beauty flowing with light in a comforting presence of energy; but it can also come to you as darkness moving through wires, liquids and chaos. What is truth, where does it all begin and end? We are the truth the way and the light, we are also the depths o

This or that way

There are so many avenues to walk down when one is seeking understanding within the human mind. Your consciousness is pulling at your brain, calling for it to become aware of all that the many levels of creation have available to you. Not everyone is open to the learning, but when a person does decide to actively step in a little deeper they will find those many avenues available. Some people will swear by one path and deny the validity of another, and some will walk one path but still see that the people walking other paths are heading in the same direction. I am one that finds himself walking down multiple paths, hopping between them and skipping along the way. The path you are one will not be the determining factor of where you end up, where you end up is the determining factor of how far you made it down the path you chose to take. I recommend being open and accepting of the idea that each path is a gift to those who are walking it. One path is no better than the other for reachin

You don't want that

Stepping back from where we do all the thinking that we assume we are doing, looking over the edge of the human brain and seeing where true consciousness begins is my hardest challenge. The ego wants to be everything when self is already in everything, God is in all and connections are streaming between every person in every world and dream state. You are everything is what doctor Leary tells us. The challenge is to put aside the thinking apparatus so consciousness can go beyond what it knows, and to do this while still keeping it aware so you can use the information that you receive while beyond the brain is such a hurdle for me. It makes me feel like a complete fool for not being able to control my own desire and just be part of the greater whole in awareness. If the brain is such a powerful tool, and we are able to tap into and control its actions because we are the one using it, then why are there such limits wrapped around it in this and many worlds? My answer lies in my second s

To balance or ot to balance

You are everything and still you are nothing.  Your mind can reach all levels of being through dream, imagination and knowledge; there is nothing that can hold back the power you have available to you.  And still you only have so much control over any portion of this world or even a dream world and the people in it, there are currently limits in place that keep you from doing things like making people your puppets.  Your imagination has more control, but when it comes down to it, there is a balance that must be kept or even your imagination will be checked.  Look into everything, see everything, know everything, search under each stone, then realize that stone is simply an image for your mind to look under, placed there so as to add to the game of remembering what you are.   What you are is a mind assuming existence in any field you contemplate it being in; a mind that created itself, found itself forced into ignorance and is now trying to work its way closer to realizing that it is a

Hear that voice?

I have always been fascinated by the human brain, I have read about it, thought about it, tried to drive it insane and loved it.  Our brains work at keeping our body running properly, helping us collect and store data for thinking and decision making, and the brain helps us determine the person we project out into the world. The person we show the world is driven by many factors, our learning and development is part of what we use to make up our persona.  Sometimes what we learn is outside our brains, but often our deepest ideas come from what is within the brains activity.  When we least expect it we dream up that concept which changes our lives, or we hear a whisper that pushes us on, beyond our assumed threshold.  We call the whisper normal and it is approved by the FDA, but more than that and we are told that our brains are in trouble, but are they? The voices that we hear in our minds are as real as any song you hear.  We can take a song and let it guide our lives or a song can