Plants of the world

So many people dive into trying the spirit medicines thinking a party is just around the corner, only to find that they have stepped into a world view changing landscape that overwhelms them.  Such a large portion of society is teaching children that all drugs are bad and equally destructive to their lives and the education stops there.  The tribe mindset is a life of developing an understanding for young tribe members of why some plants and chemicals may have more positive effects on the mind than others; as well as how the conscious self reacts to them, reducing the overwhelming effect when they first take an ancient medicine, not as a party, but as a tool for individual development.  The gains that are occurring in raising awareness of the differences between certain kinds of drugs are amazing, I love to see the knowledge unfold.  When comparing things like LSD or mushrooms with heroin or cocaine, this growth in awareness will help guide the future choices made by people.  Explaining that there are levels of addiction in everything and we must choose wisely what is tried and what may happen.  Some drugs will challenge you in amazing ways, if you eat mushrooms for fun, or smoke salvia to giggle, then you may come out wondering about what life really means and you may decide that you never want to go there again.  They plant the seed of an other viewpoint and your development can be altered over the course of your lifetime by just one use.  It does not change you, it just adds a thought that pops up now and then to make your thinking box a bit bigger than it would have been without the experience.  On the other side, heroin or cocaine have been so altered that what remains will attempt to latch onto you and slowly eat your energy; they do share their gifts with you, but there is a greater cost to your development.  The world is a bounty of gifts from the stars and we are learning to respect the beauty of each gift.  Education that is open and honest is the best avenue for all people and our tribe mentality needs to be wrapped around the world, it is happening and the world is growing in wonderful ways.  



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