Further in the image

While I was in my vision of the colorful orb with tentacle beams of consciousness pouring out of it and skipping along the surface of what seemed like a dark landscape of nothing, I felt the idea that the Big Bang was originally an explosion of thought, and from there the physical Big Bang was born.  Within my mind I often circle around the words "we are the image of God", and my understanding of that phrase is an image of a conscious, creative force.  I have seen animations similar to the orb with tentacles, but seeing it and realizing it from within are two completely different experiences.  The animation I remember most clearly is a semicircle with pointed tentacles waving about; it was nice to look at, but my own vision came with emotional feelings and a sense of connection mingled with understanding.  I felt at one with it and as a portion of it simultaneously, and I am pretty sure that the image represents where we all exist, in a wave of consciousness pouring out of the source of all thought existence.
Mixing this image with what I have seen in the past, I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg.  Was the white field of light the first level of creation, or is it lying at one of the points of contact within the bean of colorful consciousness, where the wave of energy hit all at once and became a field of light?  Following my stream of conscious events, I have to assume the latter, it makes sense to me.  This vision of consciousness blowing out of the nothing, touching down and a field of white glowing energy popping up with new layers stretching out and forming a multi layered existence at each point comes to my head very clearly.  Physical reality comes through in the layers and at the multiple points of contact.  Our current earth existence in this universe is an extension pushed out of the white field of light, and our dreams are created as extensions being pushed out of other energy fields at contact points along the tube or tubes.  Or they are the various waves vibrating to create the multilayered spectrum of existence wrapped around our multidimensional brains.  We could be at any one of the contact points, and like a holographic image, proximity does not create a greater connection to the source.  No matter where we stand we are directly connected.  In my vision, I was between the orb and the first place the tube touched down, but that could have been to ease my visible understanding.  
Be creation, be aware of all you can, push the waves of conscious energy out to new levels of lovely experiences.



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