
I have been seeing someone pop up in he media recently, and some of their ideas make me think of past human actions that may have had erroneous ideas at there base.  This person has been pointing their finger at people that are outside what I would call their direct group of friends, saying that these outsiders are the cause of much strife and turmoil in the world.  This individual wants to put walls up to guard against these outsiders and keep them from becoming a part of their group; psychologically speaking, this concept of putting up walls is often a coping mechanism within an individual.  There are usually deeper reasons for these walls to be built and it takes a lot of time to work through why a person put them up and how to overcome the underlying issues behind their creation.  But I am no therapist, so I will not attempt to delve into the mind of this person or why they would feel the need to put up walls.    
There have been many walls built throughout history to separate groups, but eventually they proved to be inadequate to keep us all apart.  The Great Wall in China can be seen from the moon, but it no longer holds anyone out of China, it has become a nice tourist attraction for people from any country.  When the Berlin Wall came down there were celebrations around the world, it symbolized our overcoming past mistakes.  The walls that were once held high in our country have been being broken down over the past century; segregation was outlawed and we have been growing in wonderful ways as a nation because of the connections that have come out of those walls crumbling away.  
The idea of blocking people from interacting with other people is a rather juvenile way of dealing with a problem.  Keeping people apart stunts the growth of understanding, because when we interact with outsiders we learn new ideas and our lives benefit through the many wondrous traditions that are shared.  Traditions from across the globe have expanded our multicultural prowess as we have accepted new people into our ever growing group.  In office buildings across the globe we hear of the need for cultural diversity and accepting every kind of person.  Yet there are some people that want to help put up the walls that will stunt the growth in our nations cultural diversity.  The business model needs to be expanded to the national model and we need to see the positive growth that can occur when we embrace the ever present changes that this world brings to us.  
I love and embrace cultural diversity, I learn so much from talking to people that can share the different experiences they have had when compared those we have had in our culture.  I thrive on social experiences that expand my horizons and try to take in as much of the new ideas and social concepts that are shown to me as I can.  Growing up comes with pains, but as people say, the alternative is not as much fun.  The same goes for cultural change and growth in diversity.  There will be pains, but the alternative is not something that comes across as very desirable.  We need to grow and social growth takes people, we can open the door and build our world out of acceptance, or we can suffer by trying to block out what this wonderful world has to offer.  Opening the door seems like the neighborly thing to do.  



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