So much more

Dreaming is great and can help us understand a multidimensional existence that our minds can tap into.  But when we get down to it, we still have this universe, this world and these bodies to think about.  There is so much to understand of the earth, the galaxy, universe and the base of all existence stretching way down past atomic structure.  Every part of it holds some amount of energy, right down to our bodies and everything that gives us power.  We easily recognize the power in food and water, but is there another source of energy that is not as easily recognized?  The more you can be certain of the power you are connected to, the more power you hold.
Every person has energy and however many people you have behind you can be part of what determines how much your power can be spread over the earth.  In our current society, a super power comes through money and status; so much so that even if you are a somewhat cruel and selfish child that wants to pick and choose who gets to play in the fields of your town, if you have enough money and social status you can get people to help you put up blockades against those you think are not worthy.  I assure you that type of power is very impermanent.  The truest power comes out of the source of all energy, and if you can connect with that, then you can make everlasting strides towards change.
Love is a scary and overwhelming monster that can crush your heart, mind and soul.  So it seems some people would have us think.  There are many layers to love and many ways for the confusion of life to make love seem like it leads down a path to devastation of the self and the world.  But I am certain that the origin of true love is well beyond the physical, the spiritual and every layer of existence that can be found between everything and nothing.  True love comes out of that place where everything begins and ends, it is the purity of all energy carrying the greatest power, and it knows nothing but itself, love.  
There are troubles all around us, and we would do well to find a resolution that can save us from them.  This world cannot be saved by any power hungry human, it cannot be saved by any nation or army, it cannot be saved by any physical expression of love.  The world can only be saved by love moving through each individual; love that is forever pouring into us from the source of energy.  This love is continuous as it passes through all existence into our own conscious being and back out to all and everything till our love is returned and it reaches the source of energy from the base of our self.  We humans are basically the energy of love experiencing the assumption of physical reality on this and the many planes of our dream states.  

When we live as that love, then we are set free to enjoy all and everything during this or any lifetime we find our selves in.  Acting out this level of love we will see developments in equality of the living status of all humans, as well as growth based on sharing rather than accumulation of wealth.  Love makes you want to share in the adventure rather than put up any type of barricade, allowing everyone to know the joy you have found in your heart.  The world and the stars around us offer so much in experience and drive us to find new ways of expressing care towards one another while moving through our lives.  We only need to open ourselves to a less consuming ways of living.  Love will open doors that remain shut today for lack of joy in growth and development on all levels.  We all need to start moving with love in mind.  


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