Blowing bubbles
I saw consciousness pouring out of a colorful orb that was lit from the inside; it reminded me of an inverse view of the white field of light, which is usually see above me. This orb was bubbling out of the ground, it was part of the ground and the pouring out of consciousness looked like tentacles of light stretching as tubular, dancing rainbows, spreading out till they touched down on the ground. From within one of these colorful curved beams I got the sensation that the beam touched down over and over again, like a flat stone that is joyfully tossed over a body of water can skip before sinking in. Where the light touched the ground seemed to be from where I had just come, the meditating body was back there at that connection point not worrying about anything.
The skipping stone image made me think of our current human form and consciousness spreading into dreams. The idea came to me while I was hanging in the beam halfway between the body and the orb, that the first contact point is the point where we are first able to experience a physical reality. Each point of contact after that is like an extension from the first and that is where we find dream states. I was perplexed by this idea, because I thought this was a completely different image from the one I have been carrying concerning the dreaming self, where the soul is like a hand and each finger is a beam of light ending at a body, and to get to a dream state we go back to the stuff of our souls then down a different finger beam to find another body that is experienced as a dream. Then it hit me that this is an extension of that image out in the opposite direction. The orb represented the soul and it stretches into our human bodies at the first contact point, from our human form we skip further down our beam to different touching points where we experience the other dream selves.
Considering the thickness of the tube I was in, I can only assume that it carries all the conscious energies that touch the earth and we are all able to access various dream states together because of this. Though we are so often not aware of each other's dreams, it does not mean that my dream of you was not you. We have been told that the subconscious is like an ocean and the conscious mind is a drop of water, so the portion of your energy self that is bouncing down the beam is like the subconscious and it may follow me to another point where the beam touches and helps me have experiences at that point. Sometimes my mind will be aware of certain experiences and yours will not, and vice versa.
The colors of the orb were beautiful and calming to look at, I floated as a child on an imaginary cloud hoping the image would stay with me forever. I slipped back away from what seemed to be my source and the room my eyes opened up to see was dark, like a basement with little windows on a cloudy day. I was overjoyed to have been given such an experience, and I had to focus on not letting it overwhelm me. There are endless possibilities in explaining where we come from and how we exist. Science and spirituality are dancing, once in a mosh pot, slamming against each other and now with hands on hips and shoulders, like young crushes having their first dance. I only hope I can continue to keep the waves of imagery connected to some force of logic for my own peace of mind.
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