Dream lover

Finding pathways into and through dream states can be a taunting task, the fool in me is revealed to be inadequate for the search.  I find that my minds eye lacks the concentration to reach any level of control over the ability to dream at will.  When I do find myself in dreams, I am there as an observer rather than an action figure.  I fear that I will be dead before I have any true understanding of the many selves I am connected to.  
In truth, the idea that death is the door for my minds understanding is more a revelation than anything to fear.  It seems that my ego holds such power over me that only a true death of this body will give me the strength to overcome it.  So I wait as patiently for my joy to find that door through which it can gain full access in love; wondering if it may end up a door that does not involve the complete death of this body.  Either way it is love that will carry me to the greatest heights of wonder.  
My power comes to me and moves out of me as love, it is when that love becomes twisted around my ego that I am my weakest.  When I allow human desire to turn my mind, I become lost, falling through years and decades into child thoughts and hopes.  I wake every morning to find the battle beginning anew with both sides refreshed.  If love is the victor and found in its truth, then my heart opens for both sides and I see the value each gives me.  In loves strength the ego focuses my sense of purpose and my soul reminds me to share that purpose with everyone I can.  If ego finds too much of a footing, then I flounder through the day tossing love into ignorant pools of ideas, while my night runs me through many earthly desires.  
When I try to manipulate my dreams with desire, I lose them and forget that nights journey.  It is when I allow love to move through my heart into the experience that the dream world and my dream thoughts are remembered beyond the veil of my bed sheets.  It is love that opens doors in any world, and between worlds.  Love holds the greatest power, because it is shared between lovers in every form of expression.  If I embrace the dream with love and care for everything in the dream, then I find myself waking to a more vivid memory of the nights adventures.  Love is our way to express our connection to God, and it plants seeds in our own and the minds we interact with.  Love is the light that brightens the pathway to dreams and it shines brightly for your memory to carry the information home to your current mind.  



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