
How does a person show everyone else in the world what the gift of living here and now, on this earth, in this universe on this astral plane is worth?  Jesus spoke the truth until the leaders of his world could no longer ignore him and he used them to help him express his unending love for this existence to the point of death.  Buddha starved himself and pushed himself to the edge of life before he realized the value of his time on this earth, then he shared his good news with everyone he could, and he died with people listening so intently that his words have travelled centuries. 
Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha was a wealthy man who had the easy life bowing before him, but his greatness didn't come until he decided to give up the wealth and find the meaning of existence.  Jesus asked people to give up everything and follow him.  They each chose paths which would both teach themselves and set examples of how this world can be experienced as a joy through everything.  The extreme path that each of them took was difficulty, but the path of balancing money and spirit can be daunting in it's own right.  We think that riches make us live better lives, but I promise you that it is an open mind full of play and love that will give each of you the best life.  We are not here to suffer, we are here to experience life in a physical way which is wonderful when the mind is used to take it all in, rather than thinking the body is all you are.  The brain is a receiver and it can be open to so much when you allow imagination and dream to be a true part of your reality.  Doing this will help you to recognize the amazing power behind the waves of energy forming this level of existence.
Your dreams and imagination allow you to live in worlds that are full of terror and fear from creatures and possibilities well beyond the torments we can place upon one another here.  God has created this world in this space with such controls that there are no monsters, no demons walking over our tortured flesh, and we still question the power of God's love.  We torment one another instead of living lives embraced by the love of the gift of the life available here, and we fill this world with our own forms of hatred to build ourselves up on the weakness and fear of others.  Rather than give and give in the freedom provided here, we take and we all suffer in our greed.  A mind that openly receives life with its dreams and mental play, is forever being reminded by the love it finds in everything that the creative power is waiting for all to accept the eternity of self and the sweet taste of it all from the vantage point of soul.  We are designed for the brain to allow all the worlds and experiences in them to grow our own souls understanding of the potential that lies behind each moment in and out of time.  We are creators of worlds and the life upon them, we are designers of thought and we grow new ideas in the potential built upon histories of experience.  
Realize the power behind the conscious control that keeps this world organized.  See that similar levels of energy have been poured into every dream state and that you are a part of the creative whole that is here to give love in the form of imagination.  We can create and our creation can be wonderful, follow the guidance given us by the energy that created a planet that lives to sustain the existence of its many moving parts.  Open doors for others to move into the same levels of certainty in knowing how wonderful it all is.  I can only offer my life as an example to the joy of balancing awareness as close to soul as possible, living life as creative play for souls experience.  I pray that my energy is not lost to the chaos of consciousness that has not opened to these possibilities.  Keep loving and moving forward.  



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