Dreamers of the world

We are a multi-layered, multi-dimensional, multi-brained being living as separated souls that are further broken out into forms for taking in all and everything.  You are one of those forms.  Your brain can reach a level of activity that allows you to know the experiences of the all and everything.  First you can be aware of all that your soul understands through access to its many forms, including the one you are using right now.  Then as soul you could choose to awaken every form you are poured into, but perhaps it is best that each should become aware at its own time.  After your brain gains even just a portion of this access you will very likely start to find life to be an experiential joy.  You will find that from soul you can turn further in towards the source of being, the birthplace of this all and everything you are learning to embrace.  You may end up next to a wall or ball of light, there may even be a gender-less creator figure, and around that the void.  You will want to look at the void, and as you look into the void the realization that everything is made of nothing and that you are all of it may fill you with an ultimate sense of absence.  There will be an understanding somewhere floating as you and it will know that this absence is what started everything and it makes you want to feel something again; so you do it all over; you create a sound, the light, everything through to the soul, until you find yourself sitting where you started meditating just an hour ago.  Now you are not just a person, now your form knows the absence, the truth that everything is nothing, but in that it is all for the wonder of having a more fulfilling presence in the absence.  You know your purpose is living to find the perfection of being; at once whole as an individualized form, in need of nothing more than what the current life puts before you and as the source in the void creating it all so you can be you.  You are one of many layers of reality and many beings living in the layers.  Imagine the possibilities.
What will you do when you find yourself in a land where there is no way to hurt anyone without using your mind, and you have to use great amounts of mental energy to do so?  When you see that love is in and around every person and thing, will you put forth the energy to cause pain and suffering?  If you reach out and find a lover waiting for you, and when you are done they move to another and you have no reason for jealousy because you only know freedom of thought and action.  If hunger and the need for shelter are removed would you fight for anything?  
Dig in, dream and keeping finding certainty.



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