Many layers

In God I am.  We are all within the structure of creation we call the universe.  Our conscious self assumes reality to exist only on this level of existence, but I assure you that there is much more.  People have died to find themselves surrounded by other people and spaces, then come back to discuss their journeys.  Imagine if the heaven or hell that they each saw was simply a different layer of reality that exists for our greater awareness on a frequency that is higher or lower than our own.  What amount of brain activity does the conscious mind need to open itself to knowing and accessing these varying layers of reality?  That is a challenge which I still hope to understand one day.  For now I look to century’s worth of images and dreams from spiritual writing that comes from around the globe.  Our own dreams can be included in this realm of thought, for where else can you fly or be underwater without worry of breathing, like a god of the Hindu or Greek religions?  In your dreams you can walk on water and change a sea into wine if you choose to do so.  I assure you that doing any of these activities on this current level of being is a whole different degree of faith and certainty.  But in dream states is where a boy can have his head chopped off then be reanimated with an elephant head, and I am sure that dreamy reality is as true as this reality which we have assumed to be the only one for so long.  We are learning that we can consciously step into our dreams and enjoy a lucid state other than the one we are currently awake in.  In these dreams we can shrink mountains, change the structure of our home or city and we can even look into a mirror to find another person looking back as us.  These are the multiple layers of reality spanning across the wavelengths of the word that was with God and is God, the Om.  
Our current awake reality is so well designed with laws and structural certainties on the physical level that we often assume it to be the one true reality.  But it is simply one of the better constructed levels of creation, with the atoms and wavelengths working so well together to give us such a solid state.  Our own understanding or lack of understanding is part of what makes up the structural whole which creates such a true presence.  We become so lost in the energy that it contains; entranced by pains, pleasures, emotions and fears which continue to hold the structure together for us all.  One person would have to muster enough energy to override a billion minds worth of thinking to show that this one level of reality is more flexible than we assume.  Needless to say that anyone who is certain they can jump off a building and just float down is a fool and will most likely come to a fools end, though I am pretty sure it will be a fool of sorts who actually proves the truth of this realities flexibility.  
 Between this reality and the many lands of dreams, we are growing in our understanding of the creative power behind existence.  We can only move forward in action as time whips in a whirlwind around us.  We can be present in each moment letting life just exist and mind expand in knowledge or we can follow the chaos of time down into our current life's end.  Either way, our journeys are wrapped in a continuum of love and being, which I like to call soul.  Be here in this moment with me, then be in the next moment, but be more than just the person in the moment, be a presence of conscious energy taking in the experiences that are the gifts we receive for taking on the challenge of being here.  


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