You soul you

You are a soul, you have always been a soul and will always be a soul.  Your soul self is about as close to eternal as and individualized being can get.  The issue with being a soul is that you pretty much know everything, so it gets boring.  To break up the monotony behind knowing everything you decide to accept God's offer to create a human being on earth, so you can live as the human and experience knowing practically nothing.  It is like the human form is designed to wipe out awareness of what we are beyond the body, then we have to try and regain that connection.
As a soul, you are always aware of your human predicament and you watch as your human develops in knowledge and understanding.  Until further noted, I will write to you as a soul, imagine us looking down on our human forms trying to get these ideas into their minds.
You hope that the body does well and works to reconnect it's consciousness to you , because along the way that connection was lost.  From its birth, your human must first move through the development of knowledge in childhood play and schooling, we wish the schooling was a bit more like play because that spurs on growth so much better.  We try to stay connected to the mind and heart during this time, but the body is tricky and the connection fades on the bodies end.
As your body works through adulthood there are so many things going on that it has trouble thinking about anything other than the world around it, there is no time for growing a connection to you, some imaginary soul.  So you just pour energy into it and hope that it gets enough glimpses of the connection to spur on a bit more of a search for you.  It worked for that soul over there, the last body it had ended up being renamed Buddha, and it just sits there all content while reminiscing over how well that body experience went.  Me and you, we have to keep watching our bodies flounder through their lives waiting for the next big thought.
You keep pushing energy into your little body and it keeps pushing most of it aside, till one day when the gray hairs of its head start to raise up and you see the sparks of awareness zapping through it's brain; all of a sudden it begins to notice that it is nearing upon it's end of existing, and it wonders if there is anything else.  The heart and mind seem a little afraid, so you, me and God send love, lots of love.  We have always been sending lots of love.
Often these bodies wait so long to really start thinking about what it means to be directly connected to a soul self, but better late than never.  We send love and wait for a response, it is great when it does come; the recognition that the opening mind brings is nice.  We have forever and as many tries as we need to get it right, but sometimes I even find myself getting impatient with this one body I am experiencing right now.  We have to remember to give them time or they may pop with excitement if all the realizations come in at once.  If only they could find a way to keep the minds and hearts of their children connected right up into adulthood, then there would be no need for reconnecting later on.
Know yourself, know you are a soul.


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