You God Jesus

Jesus came along, able to alter the structure of reality and transform other people's lives.  So much so, that some people wanted to make him a king in this world, perhaps for a moment he too thought that he was to be a king of this world.  But, he stepped down from heading towards that throne, gave it up completely and blew the minds of his followers by dying to show them where the real power is.  He used the greatest mystery, death, to reveal the level of energy he had available and to show them where true power comes from.  This world is designed with limitations and he needed them to see that the true kingdom is both here and there; because they wanted him to be a physical king he had to step out of the physical, and show them that life is not born out of the physical world.  He had enough soul energy, and connection to the source of being to push consciousness back into this world and show how humans can have power over the structure of reality and their own lives.  
Jesus spoke and his words were first shared through the oral tradition, then written and shared with an audience that stretched across the world.  Along the way there were changes through interpretation and the gaps of communication.  Imagine what a difference it would make if we discovered that the true interpretation of his words ended up with him saying that we are all brothers and sisters in God and that there is no separation between any one of us and all that God is back to the source of being.  As a mind and heart connected to the all and everything we can see that he had so much to reveal, but language and the minds of his age held his words from pouring forth the truth so well drawn out as to explain how connected that each of us is.  
People talk about the limitations that language still holds over our ability to express the truth of reality as soul and beyond.  I hope we can solve that issue one day, but for now we must each deal with our minds and the limitations they seem to put between us and all understanding at our own leisure.  In my mind I find such limitations that I am driven to near insanity with a desire to break through the veil and pull soul awareness into every mind; but these limitations seem to be set within each of us, to allow for an individually paced chance to develop into awe inspired beings of understanding.  So for now I will continue with rebuilding my own portion of the tower of Babble, as a fool that tries to keep his mind open for the words to come through.
God is everything, and that stretches into you.  God has chosen to move from the birth of all being, down through the amazingly well designed layers of consciousness, into the body that you understand to be your own.  You are a portion of God incarnate, and God loves itself as every part of you.  All perfection has altered itself to be your every flaw, your every beautiful part, all of it wrapped up in one awareness that can experience separateness from everything else.  Separateness is amazing, because as all and everything there is no true separateness until you reach a level such as our own, and that is only a veil blocking your view into the absolute.  You, and everyone around you are the culmination of God's creative power; each of us holds the potential to reach into all levels of knowledge, and be the expression of God's love for experience while still feeling an individuality that continuously tries to override any connection you allow to grow in your own consciousness.  
You are designed for eternal life, and your individual is beautiful as an experience processing form.  The assumed limitations of this reality set us up with trials and death, but if we accept it all as part of the all and everything, then we can move through every portion with peaceful hearts.  God walks as each of us and Jesus carried that power in its entirety.  We have been called to do the same.



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