I'll be the judge of that

Judgement day has come and it hangs over each of us like a wave of negativity looking for a balance that will bring beauty back into the world.  That is how I feel when someone judges me; it often brings me right down into karmic waves of good and evil.  I start to think that I find a monster inside me that has come to the surface to prove to the world that I am truly a dark spot in the universe.  Then I meditate on the judgement, looking at it from as many angles as I can surmise; doing this I find avenues of logical play that allow me to see the true validity of the judgement.  I use any truths within it to grow as an individual and I let the less valid aspects of the judgement slip away.  If you use someone else's judgement of you to hone your true nature, and not as a pointer to what you should be, then you can grow the wonder within yourself to share with the world.  
We can be more than one person if we live by other people's view of us, through doing this we allow ourself to be many views of one person.  Each individual sees us through their own perspective, and that will include a partial reflection of how they see themselves; because it is hard for us to not project at least a little of ourself upon the people we get to know.  A persons view of us might also reflect what others say about us, and sometimes their statements are given without basis in observation or consideration of the current situation.  So if we live by other people's view of us, then we lose any true footing in knowing ourself, because we become so many versions of the person we are through all the different perspectives being projected upon us.  
You are the one who decides what you are going to project on the world, if you can let go of the judgement you may feel coming in from others and really look at yourself from within, then you will start to find the person you want to be.  You are in there; when we begin to search our own mind and being to try and figure out who we want to be to the world, it can be hard to pinpoint the answer.  Knowing oneself, really being the individual you have always had sitting inside you can be scary and exciting all at once.  That is part of the reason why it may be hard to really find the true you inside all the ideas within your mind.  I have found that it is best to accept a balance between good and bad, or light and dark when you are finding the truth of who you are from within.  I have tried to be all bad and I have struggled to be all good, but life happened best and most fluidly when I accepted both within.  You will also find the best life when you show the world who you are from within, rather than reflecting who people say you are.  It can take a long time to find your truth within, so I say play gently with each persona you put forth and do not rush into being any one version of yourself that you may have found inside you.  Enjoy the games, and let everyone else enjoy them too.
Be gentle with what you are projecting upon others as you seek out your own inner being.  If you place judgement upon anyone, it may hinder their search for the truth of who they are, and they may start to try to be the persona you have laid upon them.  The old "live and let live" rings through my head, and that concept puts judgement out of the picture.  You will perceive people in certain ways, and sometimes you will feel like you know their errors better than they do.  But you must follow your inner self and allow them to do the same.  If I find something about a person that I think could use some adjusting, I try to help them see it through being an example of what I have found to be the best image of being and not a reflection of what they are putting forward.  But that image I see may not be right for them, so I must let them live out who they are while they strive to find their best presentation of self for the world to see.  We are all growing and learning, and none of us truly knows any better than another what is the best way for that individual to be who they are.  Be yourself and I will be me.  



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