To serve and to know

Stretching into the void we can see the avenues of energy which lead down to every conscious being.  The availability of knowledge and understanding held at the convergence point where all your energy is coming from allows you access to the thoughts and ideas within the many layers of being, if you are open to it.  There is a great space between your current conscious form and the place of your origin, and the place of your origin is just a thought away.  The consciousness that is at that point of awareness wants to continue to play out all these lives for the joy of playing out life.  Sitting at the point of your original self, you are the pilot and your body is one ship for you to fly in, you as the source of your being are piloting infinite ships in infinite fields of play with infinite galaxies moving around inside infinite universes or the multiverse.  To know yourself as the source is not an invitation to rule over all, it is an invitation to move in the play and expand your understanding on each plane you have grown to accept this in.  If you as a body become aware of your full self, then you know that you are living as a portion of something wonderful and loving.  
Your source looks upon a field of souls, spanning out in all directions through waves of energy that look like tubes at times; changing in view as you shift the direction of your gaze.  These souls are looking upon and through a field of forms trying to dream themselves into all sorts of action, comfort, trouble and glorious joy.  This view from your source can be amazing and overwhelming, until you realize that you have always been here, taking it all in.  
Seeking understanding and looking into every possibility in conscious existence pushes you out and into views and dream states that are far beyond any concept or idea you have probably ever imagined.  The brain and heart can become open to awesome landscapes and wonderful ideas when we continue the slow and steady search for any sort of certainty in existence.  My faith tells me that the levels of existence which I have been allowed to see and remember are certainties for my consciousness and are to be shared so as to spark in others the desire to seek the same type of experiences.  I am sure I have had glimpses of the truth beyond our flesh and the truth is far beyond any human concept of balance.  We are each a piece of that which is divine and we are the birth of every portion at the same time.  In this I see each of us as all and nothing, we are each our own godhead and the one servant to that god which reaches into us.  



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