In it and out of it
Consciously slipping over the threshold into a form of self that so closely resembles your current form can make you very confused between what is and what is not the reality of earth as we currently know it. As I cross over the boundary wall I often find myself repeating that I am not unlimited in the Earth body, and I need to verify that I am in the body of a new dimension before I move. Crossing the lines of perception seem to make me wary of allowing my outside self to move too far from where I started, fear stops up the mind and the heart falters behind its blade.
The power of consciousness lies beyond your doubts, desires, and every pitfall your human body brings you. We move so much better when we allow all that comes to us to be at the will of our soul which is following the will of God; this greater will comes from an understanding which we cannot always grasp with ease. Pushing what the mind can be aware of may bring the individual to a place where they cross over the boundary between the current human conscious state into a world that so closely resembles it that we may have difficult telling which place we are in. The state of being that allows the freedom of choosing to fly a car or soar from a mountain top over fields and valleys, or the one that keeps you grounded by gravity and smashes you to the floor if you fall from a chair.
It is a process of discovery, knowing how to recognize that you are outside the everyday brain and inside a body that can be played with a little bit more freely. There are tests that allow you to know where you are, like tapping on a door, or pushing one of your hands into the other, if your hand goes through the door or your other hand then you know you are dreaming. I have not been able to test these because most of the time I think nothing of lucidity when I am in that other body. I strive to live consciously aware of multidimensionality, but so far, when I am in other worlds I am just a man running through a parking lot wondering how to open his van because he has the wrong key and cannot think that he had the key when he got there and that he is dreaming so he can just get in the van and go at will.
A multidimensional reality, or a transdimensional reality where two people can be aware of the same dream state or other world and bring that awareness into any other world would open up the possibilities of activity in realities play. Our minds are only held back by their own ability to block the waves of energy moving through other dimensional planes. We are wired to buffer out all the extra information until our dreaming mind shuts off the buffer. Perhaps ancient people did not have such a well honed buffer and brain evolution naturally selected a path of development that would give us a more concrete reality in the one we are currently playing out. That may explain dragons and other mystical creatures that have slipped from realities fold.
We are living in a world of such certainty that we cannot break its concrete grip on our minds perception of a mountains inability to be moved. It is nice knowing that monsters cannot be seen walking down the street with your neighbor in their mouth. But if you are able to become aware of yourself as a form of consciousness that is outside any body and the body is just used for moving through various experiences, then even if it is your body in the monsters mouth it is alright, because you don't die from being swallowed by a monster. You let it eat that body while you move your consciousness out to pop a new you into that reality behind the monster and just walk away, allowing love to fill the area and move the conscious being inside the monster to sense it's worth in love. We can live every dimension, and we can be concrete in something greater than the physical certainty of comfort by living as the certainty of being a conscious expression of love in energetic awareness. Keep on moving.
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