Letting The Mind Go

We have people that are able to live at a faster pace and move through more mental work than the average person.  The current issue is that we work at slowing down these mental speed creatures so they can fit into our societal structure as is.  But to be at the best position for the speed at which change is occurring they must have time and the space to keep their keen observation and adjustability skills on point.  Time of active brain development where they will be put into high energy play and learning areas so as to move their minds into that place where they work best.  Some people would say this is the armed forces, they can run around and wreak havoc at the governments will, but I have seen these high energy people come out of active duty with more pent up energy and less self control than before they went in.  These minds need play and knowledge growth that will keep them seeking more.  Play in places like the mud filled competition fields and the skate parks or bicycle paths that are full of adventure; look at nature, it has a well developed play environment that seems to be well designed for these people.  There are all sorts of adventures to help them work their minds while also moving them through spaces that will give them time to focus on the natural ways to slow down. 
Do not let these minds grow lazy and plump in the chairs of our schools and offices.  Do not let our schools and offices become empty, the work still needs to be done and education is a requirement of understanding our world and the many facets of human existence; change occurs best when it starts from within.  However, our current school systems are often hard pressed to wind down the energy moving through these minds, and rather than adjust to accommodate their developmental needs, we found drugs to make them like us.  We must begin to see what gifts these excellent minds have to offer at their own pace, to find an education package that allows them to live free of the drugs that slow them down.  Classrooms with standing desks and research tools where information can be looked for at regular intervals.  Tool rooms and different types of shops for wood and mechanical work as well as play in electronics.  Video games would be a must with limits, along with indoor and outdoor courses that are available in all seasons.  This could be a good start.
If a child is allowed to use the energy they have, and to move within it freely they will grow to understand how it works and can learn to control it.  A part of their education should include practices that help them to understand their minds and different types of natural control systems that are available.  The mental pace of human life is heading down the on ramp towards the German autobahn, where the speed recommendation is marked but it has leeway for the occasional rush of energy.  We are moving towards a life that will be spread across multiple layers of realistic experiences.
If we are becoming a group of beings that are aware of a multidimensional existence, and our brains are finding pathways to living interconnected with other dimensions, then it would be of great value to our group to have minds that can easily move from one thought to the next without too much hang up on the transition.  Perhaps we are lucky to have such a vast amount of people running around with ADD and ADHD who have the exact type of mind that will help guid us through such a growth in understanding.


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