
Showing posts from March, 2018

Letting The Mind Go

We have people that are able to live at a faster pace and move through more mental work than the average person.  The current issue is that we work at slowing down these mental speed creatures so they can fit into our societal structure as is.  But to be at the best position for the speed at which change is occurring they must have time and the space to keep their keen observation and adjustability skills on point.  Time of active brain development where they will be put into high energy play and learning areas so as to move their minds into that place where they work best.  Some people would say this is the armed forces, they can run around and wreak havoc at the governments will, but I have seen these high energy people come out of active duty with more pent up energy and less self control than before they went in.  These minds need play and knowledge growth that will keep them seeking more.  Play in places like the mud filled competition fields and the skate parks or bicycle

Boundless in giving

Love is not a thing of give and take, true love is just a give thing and it never stops pouring into everything.  Our joy of experiencing reality with someone can falter, this is because people's actions can be applied to our moods, which will affect our wanting them near us at any given time.  However, the truth of love is well beyond any interaction on the physical level; if you can find that truth, then you are set free of the idea of fickle love and you will be a light to those you interact with.  Knowing that truth does not set you free from the pain of someone else pulling their love away from you, but it allows you to continue to send them love from your heart even as they are walking away; whether it be a breakup or even up to death. I strive to reflect the love that I feel always coming to me, and that is love pouring into my world from every avenue.  I fall short of perfecting this, and am reminded every day that I have so much more to understand.  I try to avoid jeal

Dear Neil

Neil Degrasse Tyson was discussing multidimensionality and Monsters Inc., and he said that the doors in Monsters Inc. were an access point where they could cross the fourth dimension from one three dimensional world into another.  Each was a connected double ended doorway where you can step through the tesseract between the two worlds, monster and human.   The tesseract is one explanation for the fourth dimension; as a cube is made by putting together six square surfaces, it is postulated that the fourth dimension is a place that exists between eight cubes or three dimension plains.   If you take our three dimensional universe and stick it together with seven more to build an eight sided cube of sorts, then you have a tesseract.  One thought It makes me consider, is it that we live in a three dimensional reality and our brain can be trained to access the fourth dimension of soul, and from there we can have access to the other three dimensional realities which we currently call dream