Never Let It Bring You Down

When you find that reality no longer matches up with your dream, it does not mean that reality should be given up on; it just means that you have to adjust your dream to make a new reality.  
Houses fall apart, marriages crumble, loves are lost and lots of us die, but we cannot let these life upsets destroy our being.  We are more than just this flesh and the blood flowing through and around our bones, there is a consciousness that stretches beyond the brain and it is where each of us will find our truth.  The truth that these things are going to hurt and cause human sadness, but that they are just experiences and each can be used to help us grow when we stop feeling sad for ourselves.  We are not meant to wallow in suffering, our minds work at their best when we are open and willing to embrace the changes that rush in on us.  Changes shall come to us in many forms and we can be prepared when we have embraced the experience more than the emotion.  Let the emotion be a part of your life, not your entire life; let it move you in action against any negative experience to bring balance back into your world.  
We are all living on this earth, in this galaxy, within this universe together, and time keeps the earth moving around the sun.  When we close our focus in on our suffering we get lost in it and we spiral out of control.  Looking outside to see the broader image we will be able to see the opportunities that arise because of the changes that have occurred in our lives.  
If you feel hurt then move with the hurt and make it work to help you know where your next step should be.  You can Say fuck you world, fuck you mister or lady, I am going to show you how much I am worth, I am greater than you can imagine.  Then let your qualities carry you to new heights.  You can still dream, there are unlimited amounts of goals for you to achieve, keep bettering yourself till the world or the people who let you down can barely recognize you.  



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