No surroundings
Before we met here today, there was at least a moment when you were not aware of this or any world at all. You as a conscious being were absent from any possible self. You are hard pressed to remember being completely nothing, void of concern, free of any sense and lacking any thought. But there was a passing of moments in this time when others could see a sleeping body but you were not mentally there at all. Your moments in the void could have happened before and moved into you being in a place that you might remember as a dream and the structure of it seemed normal until you looked at it a little bit closer and it started to change before your eyes. Often we find ourselves wondering about the validity of such places and they disappear. At some time after that you awoke here and moved through your day till we met and now as we talk you may start to wonder over the validity of your surroundings and if you are truly a whole being as the form of this human. Considering the body that...