
Showing posts from June, 2024

Love it

 I find myself thinking about the future lately, and I have to remind myself that it is a trap. We can lose ourselves in seeking what is to come rather than taking the moment we are in to enjoy it for all that it brings us. Things like preparing for retirement can eat up your whole life, when it should always be a small portion of your current set of experiences. Be sure to set money aside, have your savings accounts, but let them just be. They will grow and prepare a place of comfort for you to relax and enjoy not working so much. While they grow and you continue to be part of the hourly workforce be sure to get out often and take in the beauty of what is within and around you. I enjoy walking in every part of the world that I can; I find joy in looking at houses, buildings and forests of all types. I am uplifted by saying hello to people, though I am also happy just walking quietly and letting my mind disconnect from it all. There is adventure in the simplest of acts, one can find jo


 There is an awareness of existence deep within you, it plays out all your experiences, and all the possibilities of your varied choices are in that portion of yourself awaiting you to consider them. Seeking out an understanding of the actions and reactions of all you have done and what is going on in the space around you. How far back and how far forward in the movement of life that your awareness is able to take you can only be determined by your connection to knowledge and imagination, and I have one game that I do to try and grow in my connection to each. Let your grip on right here right now go for a few minutes, step back into the first memory that pops into your head, let it play out what happened over the next minute or two. Then rewind to the start of that memory and move forward with the intent of changing one action. What can you imagine happens over the next minute or two that is different because of that change? With practice you may be able to imagine whole different live