
Showing posts from September, 2023

Remain you

 As you move along your path in life you will be aware of many other beings that think, act and interact with the world differently from you. Sometimes watching them will make you judge yourself and want to change, but you must always remember who you are. Others may seem wonderful and nearly magical in all they can do, and you may want to act just like them. The issue is that you are who you are, and you must follow your connection to the source to fulfill your dreams. We can watch others and look for bits of inspiration, but we need to incorporate the traits we hope to emulate into what we are. Avoiding the desire to be all of the images we have projected on to them. Everyone has great powers and has their own connection to the source, and being tied to it makes each of us glow in power and love. We have to remember that we glow in our own link and the energy it gives us. Shine in your beautiful energy, let the light of your soul cary the love of everything you bring to this world


 It is amazing and wonderful to think that we are being interacted with by thinking entities from beyond our current comprehension. Our minds have been working out the puzzle of earth existence for a while now, and along the way we started working out the mysterious ways the brain functions. We have made so many discoveries, we now understand so much and can reach so deep into and out of what we are. We can manipulate the earth and our own brains to work in certain ways, always getting better at embracing the energy that makes it all up. Imagine stepping forward in knowing how to use your brain; to really understand the function as it controls the body in and out of rest. We grow in our ability to release awareness into the variety of worlds available to consciousness beyond this form, where you and everyone can play out multiple experiences and wonder filled actions. People are in awe of possible crafts from someplace that has advanced thinking and high levels of development in mani

Dream inspired

 In our dreams we can see images of a perfect life that will inspire us to create in this reality what we have found there. Our dreams are links to the multiple layers of consciousness that we are unwittingly connected to. Imagine finding a way to be aware of those layers and each of those other brains choosing to share with every form you are connected with. Starting small, having two brains working as one mingled mind across both of their realities. Finding the point between you as mind dreaming in dimension A and you dreaming in dimension B, sharing two layers of sound two layers of life lessons and memories. Then opening up to C, D and all others to share as one universal mind. Seeking that combined understanding of what each has learned and experienced, while continuing to live your multiple separate lives because you have chosen each of the worlds that you live in. The power and wonder of having such awareness flow through you, moving forward in multiple directions as many brai