Let's think about it
I have decided to focus on enlivening my imagination, I have let it grow lax over the years. I have not really stretched this brain out as much as when I was a truly imaginative child. There are billions of landscapes and centuries of time for my mind to wander through, and I have been ignoring them all. I sleep in the darkness of the void most of the time; while the love next to me travels and creates her own worlds, changing them at will. I miss the power of mind, considering what is going on inside this brain has held my gaze for too long. I must remember that my starship is just one step away, and that my queen has a starship that she can fly right along with mine; the time of our travels is drawing ever closer. Opening my eye, I see stars with planets covered in forests that wait for me to float through their beauty. You can be there and I will lift the veil between us, the light will mingle itself with the darkness until the colors become more than real. The flood will fil...