Ignorance can be a fire in the darkness of hell. I truly knew bliss when I was a child living for the moment, happily breathing and eating as my parents supported me, my brother and sisters. Challenges came; potty training, reaching door handles, learning to ride a bike, finding out how to not shut my fingers in the door, which took a while, and finally a lifetime of growing my brains understanding. At one point I knew everything, OK, I thought I knew everything and that was when I didn't know how much I had to learn. I was a man sized child and I was in a bit of a hell that I created for myself through having great ignorance. I look back and I love that young man, I love him because he never really stopped digging, despite that knowing of everything, and because he grew into what I find in this mind today. But there was hell to pay for attempting ignorance by assuming to have all the answers, and I did face my inner darkness, and standing in front of it I grew to find that it was...