
Showing posts from December, 2019

Tapping in

In revisiting the idea that with every different mind you connect to, you are creating a connection to a new dimension which is separate from all other dimensions; we can see that there are challenges in remaining connected to more than one of those layers of existence at all times. We exist as a consciousness, and as that we take part in creating the reality that is spread out in waves across atomic structure, trying to ride two or more waves at once can come across as daunting. There seems to be a source of the main wave that keeps this and every reality whole, and we each add our ripples to the pond. These separate ripples create new layers or dimensions and when they are overlapped we see completely new dimensions which are slightly varied from the original wave. There is so much occurring within each layer of awareness that the brain can become confused while attempting to process even one task in this base reality, let alone if you try to be aware of every possible alteration of

You are the one

It is inside every landscape, every possible dream and imagination. Can you imagine, can you move through the stars. This morning there was a monster on my back, holding me down and trying to kill me. I could have opened my eyes and let it slip away, but I realized it was not time for wimping out and waking up, so I returned and allowed the pressure to hold me down. A second time I was given the option to wake and still I allowed the pressure to hold me down. I was being pushed down and with the pressure on my back I rolled over, and the thing which was a monster became my old friend Bobby, so I said his name and he backed up a little, then I said his name again and his face softened, we were playing a game, wrestling around and he had gotten mad, but now he was relaxing...then I woke.  I lay there contemplating the paths of our lives, then I spun onto my side and found myself in so many places, who is all and what is everything? I see you behind every veil, you are in each dream a