
Showing posts from January, 2019

Dream lover

Finding pathways into and through dream states can be a taunting task, the fool in me is revealed to be inadequate for the search.  I find that my minds eye lacks the concentration to reach any level of control over the ability to dream at will.  When I do find myself in dreams, I am there as an observer rather than an action figure.  I fear that I will be dead before I have any true understanding of the many selves I am connected to.   In truth, the idea that death is the door for my minds understanding is more a revelation than anything to fear.  It seems that my ego holds such power over me that only a true death of this body will give me the strength to overcome it.  So I wait as patiently for my joy to find that door through which it can gain full access in love; wondering if it may end up a door that does not involve the complete death of this body.  Either way it is love that will carry me to the greatest heights of wonder.   My power comes to me and moves out of me as love

I would serve if I could serve

I have been asked to tell someone about my dream goal, what my life work would be if my imagination could be full of faith and trust in its accomplishment to fulfill what God let me come here to do.  As you may already know, my imagination stretches pretty far, but do you know my deepest desired goal?  There are so many things to want in this world; from great wealth to share with everyone, to a wonderful career that leaves you feeling like you have accomplished something big, or even being a servant in a cafeteria for the poor, we have a lot of paths we could choose as our desired goal.  As I mentioned above, my imagination does stretch out a bit far, I have held the universe, watched the creator birth angels from it's fingertips, felt angels being born from my fingertips and been aware of myself being nothing more than a glimmer of hope, which was when I realized the purpose of life in experience.  With this running through my brain my desire is still focused on us, the small bei

I don't know

What will you figure out before you die, and what will you find on the other side of human death?  We often wonder what death brings to our consciousness, but who can really know?  People will give you religious views handed down from history, near death experiencers will tell you of different kinds of journeys, and other people will hypothesize about the great beyond or absence of an after life.  We trust some people a little, but it always comes down to accepting an idea of the unknown.  This is where my life focus has been, understanding what we can know about here and beyond.   Ram Das shared his phrase "be here now" with the world, he was calling us to focus on each present moment as the gift of life in itself; I fail this very often as I try looking through the veil that separates us from knowing everything all at once.  Like peering through atoms into the vast amount of space that the electrons are playing around in; it seems more like a veil over the truth of what