
Showing posts from November, 2018

Sitting on your morals

Moral order is set by the individual, every moment we are each making a decision as to what is acceptable in our actions.  These choices are not always what we would consider life changing, but they are life forming and lead us down a path of experiences that end with our last acceptable action in death.  Choosing acceptable actions is directly connected to accepting the actions themselves, as with death we must allow it to have its moment, and you need to take responsibility for the actions you choose.  You are responsible first to your own judgements, then to any judgement society places upon you if the people around you fall witness to your actions.  I wonder though, is there a way to move through life that overrides the actions of morality by placing something before each action?   Many people see morals from the vantage point of the physical body only, they even go as far as to put love in the physical, if I love you, then your body is mine and mine is yours, our love cannot mo


How does a person show everyone else in the world what the gift of living here and now, on this earth, in this universe on this astral plane is worth?  Jesus spoke the truth until the leaders of his world could no longer ignore him and he used them to help him express his unending love for this existence to the point of death.  Buddha starved himself and pushed himself to the edge of life before he realized the value of his time on this earth, then he shared his good news with everyone he could, and he died with people listening so intently that his words have travelled centuries.  Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha was a wealthy man who had the easy life bowing before him, but his greatness didn't come until he decided to give up the wealth and find the meaning of existence.  Jesus asked people to give up everything and follow him.  They each chose paths which would both teach themselves and set examples of how this world can be experienced as a joy through everything.  The extreme


The development of love is very interesting to observe in oneself and others.  We start out very self centered but we know very little of loving ourselves, as children we seem to point all our love at our family, parents, siblings, etc.  we don't know why, it is just there and it is usually everything to us.  Then when a certain spark hits the heart and mind our love becomes interested in someone outside our family, and it feels different because it is outside.  Family love would break our hearts when we felt disappointed by a parent, or we would be devastated by the death of a grand parent, but we are still focused on ourselves and our own satisfaction.  The love for the outsider mingled with the twinge of desire becomes focused, often to point where we do as much as we can to make them happy, and we hope the same is done in return.  For many of us there is still a self centered aspect of this early love and we do not always step beyond this point; at this level our love can be p

Dreamers of the world

We are a multi-layered, multi-dimensional, multi-brained being living as separated souls that are further broken out into forms for taking in all and everything.  You are one of those forms.  Your brain can reach a level of activity that allows you to know the experiences of the all and everything.  First you can be aware of all that your soul understands through access to its many forms, including the one you are using right now.  Then as soul you could choose to awaken every form you are poured into, but perhaps it is best that each should become aware at its own time.  After your brain gains even just a portion of this access you will very likely start to find life to be an experiential joy.  You will find that from soul you can turn further in towards the source of being, the birthplace of this all and everything you are learning to embrace.  You may end up next to a wall or ball of light, there may even be a gender-less creator figure, and around that the void.  You will want to