
Showing posts from February, 2018

The magnets on my fridge said, Love Is...

Our first love is often for another, we spend a large portion of our young lives thinking that love is first meant for another and we must feel love from them to know love.  But I assure you that the one true love that you can have is a love for yourself.  I am not talking a narcissistic appreciation of the self, or even putting yourself above all others, that is not where you will find the truth of love.  You must see everything wrong with yourself, everything right with yourself, what you are and what you are not; from this vantage point you have to accept that being which you are and love it for what you have realized about it.  You deserve this love.  If you are just starting to consider this idea then you need to know that it is what you have been looking for in the eyes of everyone that has ever told you they love you.  You should stop here and spend some time really thinking about your worth and appreciating all that you are.   In realizing what you are you may have found an

Never Let It Bring You Down

When you find that reality no longer matches up with your dream, it does not mean that reality should be given up on; it just means that you have to adjust your dream to make a new reality.   Houses fall apart, marriages crumble, loves are lost and lots of us die, but we cannot let these life upsets destroy our being.  We are more than just this flesh and the blood flowing through and around our bones, there is a consciousness that stretches beyond the brain and it is where each of us will find our truth.  The truth that these things are going to hurt and cause human sadness, but that they are just experiences and each can be used to help us grow when we stop feeling sad for ourselves.  We are not meant to wallow in suffering, our minds work at their best when we are open and willing to embrace the changes that rush in on us.  Changes shall come to us in many forms and we can be prepared when we have embraced the experience more than the emotion.  Let the emotion be a part of your l

Making Forward A Gift

There is no human that is "living the dream", look at the amount of suicides among rock stars and the amount of physical or spiritual unhappiness among the rich.  We are each a child that has dreamed of being something, and if we can still remember what that dream was, then we can still hold it in our hearts.  I wanted to be a spaceman then it changed to be a writer and an intellect that inspired people, perhaps you wanted to be a dentist, a designer or a famous musician.  Now we all have to drive in to work at our jobs and we all once imagined ourselves big stars.  I have had a couple moments where it felt like I was so close, I am sure everyone of us has, and when those moments passed we were a little broken.  But if we keep dreaming, imagining and hoping we can see that with a little alteration our goals are still lying out there before us.  I see some people struggling with the discouraging feeling of becoming an office worker and never famous, but we are not done, if