I gave up on trying to change the world until I learn to manage my own brain. While I have lived and grown as a human, I discovered that my own being was a portion of a whole evolutionary chain. We are each moving in a flow with trillions and trillions of other possible creatures that are expanding what the universe can do and be. Each of us here plays a part in the living experience on earth and it seems correct on an evolutionarily scale to play it out while growing the individual understanding that you have, recognizing that you can only contribute as well as your self development will allow. Say you figure out how to manipulate money and can make good choices for expanding the levels of cash you have available to your accounts; this is best for the development of life if it comes with a balance that recognizes your being one in trillions. As one grows in wealth or power they should be able to push sciences through physical and social progress. I would love to fly safely out in...