Work it
All the knowledge of the universe and creation are available to you, you can think and know anything. It is our goal to think, dream, read, learn and imagine as much as we can. Our brains have so much capacity, they are able to move in and with the layers of energy that have created this reality, and every imaginable possibility. As of yet, I have not figured out how to be tapped into everything at any given moment. However, I have found that at times the understanding of an action may flow into us as we need it, being open allows it to flow through each of us. Then as you are working, you reach a point where you realize you have done something beyond your knowledge, and a power that seems to be from beyond your brain has moved you in a lovingly creative direction. The pathway to being this open minded receiver of know how and thought has been hard for me to find. It is covered in voices, desire, drive and other pitfalls. When seeking in love, looking for a path that aligns w...