
Showing posts from July, 2023

Work it

 All the knowledge of the universe and creation are available to you, you can think and know anything. It is our goal to think, dream, read, learn and imagine as much as we can. Our brains have so much capacity, they are able to move in and with the layers of energy that have created this reality, and every imaginable possibility. As of yet, I have not figured out how to be tapped into everything at any given moment. However, I have found that at times the understanding of an action may flow into us as we need it, being open allows it to flow through each of us. Then as you are working, you reach a point where you realize you have done something beyond your knowledge, and a power that seems to be from beyond your brain has moved you in a lovingly creative direction. The pathway to being this open minded receiver of know how and thought has been hard for me to find. It is covered in voices, desire, drive and other pitfalls. When seeking in love, looking for a path that aligns with


 Finding the path in your mind that will allow your consciousness to be aware of more than one possibility. Finding the power of your self within the mind you are tapped into on this earth in this space and time. How far back can you go, resetting a lifetime to experience other possibilities. Then looking forward from this moment and letting your imagination see and feel one, five, fifty or five thousand possible lifetime outcomes.  The options are endless if you can be aware of the fact that you are connected to a brain, drifting in outer space, living on a different planet, making different choices at age 8, 15, 19, 23 just to see what plays out. Finding that place in this brain where you can move through it all over a course of a night time's dreams, and eventually in a ten minute meditation.  Your brain has everything it needs to span the possibilities. Stretch and play with your imagination and dreams, be aware of all the options, your brain can imagine all, everything and not

What is

 What is the most important part of your life; where does your focus go when your mind has a moments rest? This is what the voice within asked me today, and it reminded me to consider where I want my focus to be. We are living our human lives, working through one type of career or another, and we can often find focus pointing in the direction of that work again and again. I have been doing this for a few years now, letting my thoughts go back to the issues at work, but is that where my focus should be? If it is not where the random thoughts of my mind should take me, then how do I break it free so I can turn my mind to the task I seek to complete by the time I die? If you are like me, then you have found yourself in a career that has reward, and connects you with good people, but leaves you wondering how you missed the mark on your life's mission. You may be wondering if it is too late to actually make a difference, like you once dreamed of. This concern arises because you do not