
Showing posts from March, 2023


 When you find yourself in a place where you may feel there has been an abundance of negative energy, then take a moment to clear the space. This can be done for homes, rentals, or just someplace you are walking through. Wherever you are, remember that you are a force in that space. I will use a creepy old basement for example; you are standing in a room, the walls are gray with age and there is some graffiti. The vibe makes you feel like a child that was tortured in that room, and you just want to run. But you stand and recognize that it is just a residual energy and you are a grown person in what feels like a dungeon; so like in any horror film, just stand there. You are in this erie space as you look out; now close your eyes and go within. Look into your present being, see how much power you have as this body, you are a full sized thinking, breathing and living human. You are motivated to find your perfect life, and you hold many layers of power and love. Imagine you are lookin

The Dark past present future

 I found myself considering the thoughts of my youth, and comparing them to the words circling the conscious stream of ideas around the globe. Darkness, the dark side, the monster, demon and horror movie inside each of us is supposed to be accepted and integrated before we can be free as individuals seeking inner peace or enlightenment. I was asked about my past thoughts and tried to explain where I was when I was writing the horrible thoughts down to share with anyone who was bored enough to read them. There was once a time when I was a smiling, happy go lucky guy who tried to bring a smile to everyone I met, but the stream of ideas passing through were full of death and destroying life. I enjoyed challenging myself to be the most grotesque and horrible writer around. The image of a calm and funny writer of gruesome stories, famed for his dark words was my driving force; I would let others read a story and laugh at their response. I was called a monster more than once, I was thrilled

You can

 Your imagination is a door into the layers of creation and you have the power to alter the path, go deeper into the levels of dream or imagination until you have lived a lifetime outside the current loop. You have billions of dimensions available to you, at your will you can live it over and over again till you discover every outcome possible to your existence. Then you can come up with the energy to make that one the truth of your history and being. 

In both

 Walking the balance between light and dark, hugging your angel and your demon with love, allowing both to know the truth of all as we stand in every mind. When one is aware of the whole, one knows that they are the brain, the nerve that twitches the finger, the metal and the explosion. One is aware that they are the bullet, the air, the ripping flesh, the quick pain, the splashing of blood and the death filling the receiving brain. To be aware of the fullness of one's being leaves one to do nothing more than seek balance on all sides and in every action, and where balance cannot be had, then one seeks the gentle sway so as to keep the individual scale from swinging too wildly. With this being part of your thought process, you may take a different path and not be in the position to either send or receive energy in a form similar to the exchange noted above. You will work to avoid such waves in your experiences. 

They are awake

 The love of existence is available for all and from the everything. I look out over a sea of experiential brains taking in scenes and worlds that allow me to imagine crossing the stronghold of the mind to soul barrier. Gurdjieff taps at the kundabuffer and a smile passes through me as I sense the code cracking and pieces falling away. My love walks in the world as I dream and push my mind's eye to the forefront of my being, the child is dancing with the children that it's adult brought into creation. They are one and absolute in their separate existence on every plane before, after and alligned with this the one. 


 Tumbling through the possible avenues of connection as mind finds mind seeking mind, we are all tied together in being. The wavelengths of reality twist and turn across multiple spectrums of light, sound and time. You are the person in the mirror of this and every dream state, let those minds know your being and you may be allowed to know theirs. The only trap for consciousness is a closed door, and in the absolute whole, you are the key.