
Showing posts from February, 2022

No sacrifice

 You are not designed for suffering, there is no reason to have a life of continued sadness, there is no need for sacrifice. Your life is designed for experiences, and they vary from person to person based on the body you have and the brain signalling in your head. You get to have a life that is full of ease, energy and action in experience. But we allow our paths to be broken and seem to put obstacles in our own way. A life of ease does not mean that you are built for sitting all day being entertained. Ease of being means that while you are a productive and creative person, you allow yourself time to think, move with intent outside of your work, and breath. We thrive when we feel like we are participating in creating, whether the creation is a work of art or a better business plan for a company. With this in mind we must also remember that we feel our best when we are allowed the space to stand back and take a breath after and during our work time. Breathing can simply be time to ste

Under and out

 The depths of being that run just under our human awareness are almost overwhelming. I often find myself living in a brain that just wants to smile and laugh so everyone else can see that it is OK to find the same happy place within themselves. Then I look inside and find waves of energy flowing out of every person that I am connected to, and I flounder in concern. I have been given so much, and I try to share It, but I feel there is so much more I can do. I see myself growing in earthly understanding, but I still want to become a word spewing guru that inspires an entire world to look beyond it. I am impatient, though I know that I have all the time in existence, so I walk slow. If each of us could become aware of the underlying movement of energy that is between everyone, then we may find a different course of action in developing society and the rules of engagement. The empath knows the connection by just being, but so many of us need to find ways to open our eyes. Sometimes I feel

Turn to access

 Your brain is a portal into other dimensions and it is the way to understanding. From knowing yourself to knowing every possible thing, your mind has the power. Let you awareness slide over the fields of imagination, into wakeful dreams. Walk open mindedly through the world's that appear before your still conscious self. Sense the activity of the brain that is allowing you to perceive this reality; is it the same one that you are accustomed to using? Try to remember it's experiences, do they match your own history? These are the games that you can play with your own consciousness, dive into your mind and see where you end up. Perhaps you will find your own nervous system and then you may fly out beyond the stars. Enjoy your brain. Love, PEACE