
Showing posts from March, 2021

Game of one

 Imagine a chaos of consciousness, stretching out of the void, from the origin of thought through layers of being that are balanced by wavelengths of energy. The being in wavelengths is the possibility of the multiverse in atomic structure. Now consider your current awareness being tied directly to the void and every layer in this multiverse, and that separation is only a game you play with the self aware being, which is designed to assume separateness. The brain pulls you out of the whole and makes you one alone in endless possibilities. If this awareness of a separate self is released from this assumption, then it will have the trillions upon trillions of layers of existence to work through, because you are tied directly to it all. A release, be it through meditation or even up to physical death can be done while present in any portion of being, because being was the choice you made when you were nothing but potential within the void; and no matter how you are being, it is a portion


 All religions are one religion. There is one God of all existence, all people are connected to and able to be inspired by that connection in the way that makes them the most comfortable. Jesus is the truth and the life, follow him as a disciple and you will find access to God. Muhammad was the last prophet of his time, Allah is timeless, ever deserving of praise as the one and only.    We are each able to reach the inner enlightened one, for the Buddha consciousness awaits your mindfulness. You are an inspiration to the world. The layers of existence are vast and deep, Brahman made it so and we are extensions of that presence. The many gods are available to us for connecting us to certain energies flowing from Brahman.  Each of these statements hold truth under the whole of creation. Each of us can choose to follow a path that is well worn and meets our level of energy; or a path that leads through the chaos of understanding. The way through chaos is to seek certainty and you will fin