
Showing posts from July, 2018

Adult play

Imagination holds keys to every inventive creation in existence.  Where does creation begin and how far can existence reach?  These questions can send the mind over edges of understanding so as to expand the boundaries of knowing.  When we were young, we would use imagination on a daily basis and it played a key roll in our development.  Many of us let go of imaginative play and use logical play to overcome problems that we face as adults.  Is this the best way to go, is it serving humankind in the best possible way?  Does logic make us better people, are we nicer, more caring towards each other and happier when we allow logic to be our basis of thought instead of imagination?  I can only tell you my perspective, though I hope it is not wrong, because I have wasted so much time if my thinking has been used incorrectly.   I have been working to empower my imagination for most of my life, making it more accessible to my mind so I can tap into it any time of the day.  We may think that

I'll be the judge of that

Judgement day has come and it hangs over each of us like a wave of negativity looking for a balance that will bring beauty back into the world.  That is how I feel when someone judges me; it often brings me right down into karmic waves of good and evil.  I start to think that I find a monster inside me that has come to the surface to prove to the world that I am truly a dark spot in the universe.  Then I meditate on the judgement, looking at it from as many angles as I can surmise; doing this I find avenues of logical play that allow me to see the true validity of the judgement.  I use any truths within it to grow as an individual and I let the less valid aspects of the judgement slip away.  If you use someone else's judgement of you to hone your true nature, and not as a pointer to what you should be, then you can grow the wonder within yourself to share with the world.   We can be more than one person if we live by other people's view of us, through doing this we allow our

A little money, a little faith

When you compare the percent of money given through tithing of a Christian or Jewish person or the zakat  of a Muslim to the amount handed over by people who have been talked into giving everything they own to a certain group, these offerings to a church community start to look very reasonable.  What I mean is that if anyone ever comes across as some sort for saint or holy person and they ask you to give all you have to them or sell all you have and give them your money in order to follow them, then you run from them like a gazelle.  God is already all and everything, so you having an independent home and living by your faith in God as part of a community is more wonderful to God than living by faith in a community being fully controlled and run by one leader or a small group of leaders.  True living in faith is living in God and moving through your life as God moves your individual being, as a portion of the whole with an equal share in all the love and enlightenment in the world as