
Showing posts from May, 2018

Why even think at all

Translating time as release from one consciousness occurs is a game of figuring out where is the world and which one is it. Stepping into a different form, crossing the river of dreams, it is all a challenge of release as you gently hold awareness. You are the mind and you are all the minds, but you are still nothing and a servant to all. Passing from one state of awareness to the next, it can be difficult to remember your place in this and every life. Feeling like everything is here for your enjoyment alone can become so focused that we grow to be a burden to others. We are here to enjoy the senses and move through every possible existence, but we are also everywhere to make sure that every possible existenceoutside our awareness is enjoying itself as much as we are or more. I want, and I want more is a challenge that makes me stumble and smack my face into a wall. So often I find myself trying to guide activities in my own favor and my greed is hard to overcome. We are humans that

Spring is the season of love

Love challenges us to let go of our own desires and move to a point of service.  If we reach this understanding; we become aware that we are here to serve everyone.  Knowing ourselves as spiritual beings and our human body as something we are living through, we can see that everyone includes our own human body.  To stick to this life of service in love we must continue to remind ourselves that our human desires are not always our true desires; they are not ever without purpose, but sometimes they will stunt your spiritual growth.   Loving everything includes loving release, and moving with the flow of existence as you either work your way along or float down the stream of life.  The less we resist the moving energy of the things passing through our lives, the more we flow with the stream.  It is good to accept our human desires, and we should allow them a little room to breath so we can see if they fit into love or if they fit into petty wanting.  When we move with the petty desires

Brains walking down a path

Your brain has so many pathways of thought and avenues to perception and in this reality we all choose a very similar path along the wiring system called neurons.  This similar path which our brains tend to follow, so that the world is experienced one way has been altering over time.  The world has been giving us similar experiences over and over again as conscious creatures, and as a species our brains have been developing new pathways to open different ways to perceive and deal with the worlds experiences.  We hope that our interaction with this reality is growing to be more intelligent and wise, but we often get hung up on this and that as we walk our individual paths.  These hang ups can spread to other people and can cause issues across the board in varying degrees.  If you are a kid and you get confused about what life is all about, and you get pushed down by your peers over and over again, then you may lash out in destructive ways.  This will cause a wave of problems for twen

I want to, not any more

I have been trying to figure out how to consciously move from this reality into a dream reality, and have found that letting go of the breathing human form is rather difficult.  Trying to consciously forget that you are the body breathing in the bed so that you can become the body moving in another world seems to be one of the greatest challenges of my mind.  Then I am reminded that part of the reason I may be having trouble stepping into another land in such a way is the state of consciousness called soul that is the connecting point between the two places.  And as many of you may have found, it is really hard for a human mind to be actively aware of its soul self.  It is like we have a blockade in place that keeps us from knowing anything on the other side of our brain.  My own brain has the goal of stepping through that blockade in a peaceful movement in acceptance of the connection that has always been there.   From that point we can see that we are not the puppet that we as a