Gate way
There are theories of mind-brain connections and separations stretched across the globe and time. Some say the brain is where all your awareness, consciousness and being comes from; while others are sure that there is a consciousness that is beyond the brain. I stand in the conscious energy beyond my brain and ponder this also, attepting to explain how we work in the most down to earth terms. This is not that explanation. The brain stands as both the gate and the way to being in touch with your conscious self, the energy beyond atomic structure. You and I are not from here, we exist in a state of being that allows us to tap into the multitude of physical worlds and play out various lives. It is in this state that we are certain of the glory and wonder of all that Allah is. As the Mahabharata states Brahman poured itself out, and from nothing God created everything. Knowing all that creation is, opens us to pure joy in just being, because we know that we are a part of it all. Op...