
Showing posts from May, 2020

Someplace other

My world is a state of awareness, it includes everything from experiences to the absence of being. In existence I love all action and absence of action, because it is all connected to me. On the Earth my conscious being seeks pleasurable interaction with it's surroundings, it  finds the greatest joy in a calm balanced environment. In loving all that comes to me, my love desires love in return. Every action is portion of the whole and can be loved for the experience it brings, but the action of love is the easiest to accept. Do your best to be love to me and I will do my best to be love to you. Together we will make calm balance.  Love, PEACE

Fear for a cause

I find that fear can be so much fun, I mean I hate it when it hits me, but the laughs after are excellent. Fear is a game and it can be played with a smile. In the song 'Innocense' Bjork mentions the ease of being fearless, and then she tries to explain the joy of realizing fear again. If we dive into experiences and taste lifes fullness, we will best recognize the purpose and wonder of fear. We quickly develop a fear of heights as babies, and many more fears work their way into our minds as we grow up. We each work through fears at our own pace, and it is the fears that we have overcome which empower us and move us to new challenges. Some fears should be respected even if they lose their grip on us. You may grow to be comfortable standing on a steel beam 44 stories above the ground, but you should still wear a harness and tether for the occasional slip. We should have a bit of discomfort looking into the eyes of a tiger and there should be a fear that keeps you from walking up...